User Experience:
10 MaaS applications scrutinized
Whim, Moovizy, Jelbi, Wien Mobil, Gaiyo,... Discover how each of these applications strives to offer a seamless experience.
An UX Design benchmark of ten MaaS
applications in Europe and abroad
Although very few resources address this aspect, our Head of Product has done it for you! During several months, he tested a dozen MaaS applications to share with you this in-depth comparative analysis, including tables, charts, screenshots, and recommendations to follow.
Which one has the most modes of transportation? How many in-app payments of mobility services does it have? Or with deep link?
Which of them offer real door-to-door journeys ? How do they provide a seamless experience, from the first to the last kilometer?
Single Tap ? Double Tap ? Pre-purchase? What ticketing architecture have they been forced to adopt in their user experience?
How did the pioneering application, Whim, highlight these different bundles at each step of its user journey?